Korean Entertainment - Part II

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Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 5 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
17 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
29 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
41 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30

DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
DA Girl, you gotta let go of Minju/Jinjoo, she's really not on Yujin's level anymore. Even that past Yujin before was kinda sweet to Wonyoung too. But now, there's a reason why Annyeongz and Sakura/Chaewon can't meet them as much as they can.

Also who cares about Annyeongz being a delusional ship, I'd certainly still enjoy the crumbs :rofl:
What level? What does it have to do with anything? I don't ship them cause I don't care, they just have more chemistry than annyeongz which contradicts the anon i replied to saying yujin doesn't treat femmes warmly. She does, just not wonyoung and a bunch of other people
DA They have chemistry too yes, but it's not like Yujin was ignoring Wonyoung before too. When they were young, Yujin used to call Wonyoung 'baby'. Plus Jinjoo shippers didn't remember Yujin calling Minju 'tiring'? I love the girl but when they were with izone, she's like the resident slow poke that everyone adores and got exasperated with. Why yall Jinjoo shippers didn't ship Yujin and Nako anyway, Yujin was sweet to Nako too
da i don’t think Yujin is arrogant but she is hard to impress, and we’ve only seen her impressed with Wonyoung. But she doesn’t publicly say who her friends with or who she hangouts with. I do think she had a bit of an admiration on Minju when she was a kid but she’s a different person now. And we can only see that side of her when it’s with Wonyoung. And I think Wonyoung is straight but yes Yujinsexual like the anon said. They have some attraction with each other it’s so obvious :ragee:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 9 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
23 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 07:45
Guest wrote:
Today, 03:18
Guest wrote:
Today, 01:39
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
Rei understands kpop fanservice as she said she’ll be a fan girl herself if she didn’t become an idol. She’s the same with Liz, J and Joy. But idk why people here just want to talk about yujin and make every friend of her gay lol. The girl can’t even have platonic friends :bigcry:

But fanservice aside, Rei is actually needy and clingy. She always need assurance from people. Gaeul, Yujin. I guess Yujin the most cause she’s their leader and a part time performance director lol. I think she’s one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed. Didn’t she have an anxiety rumor when she took a hiatus before.
I feel bad for Yujin. Rei is so needy. And what does she do whenever Yujin ignores her? Make sure everyone knows and what do dives do? Say Yujin is annoying, poor Rei, etc. even taking a video of Yujin sleeping and complaining as if Yujin needs to play with her instead and not rest lol. She thinks she’s so cute which she is technically but she has always put Yujin in a tight spot. She kinda gives me self centered vibes, I am subscribed to all of their bbl. She says everyone is hers. Now, Ive always wondered why Wonyoung and her do not appear close. Wonyoung did say she doesn’t like burdensome people.
DA I don't agree with the other anon, I think Yujin is the most likely to be gay or bi simply because she's serious about her decisions. She decided to cover BTW, she's gender inclusive even at a young age (consistent with this), she doesn't bait. Typing Rei, Gaeul and WY as the most likeliest gay is just being a stan of 1 of those people lol
Yes! Manipulative. That’s what Rei is. What can Yujin do tbh? Rei makes her look bad when she ignores her. Even a simple hahaha as a reply and Rei is complaining. Rei likes name dropping popular people here and there. There was a dive chart ship before and rei and yujin were labelled in the one sided creepy ship. :rofl: you gotta respect how respectful Annyeongz are with each other. IZ soloists have always used Yujin or and especially Wonyoung’s name. And Rei is the only one in IVE who is bold enough to use them for her own gain.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 17 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
29 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
41 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
DA Girl, you gotta let go of Minju/Jinjoo, she's really not on Yujin's level anymore. Even that past Yujin before was kinda sweet to Wonyoung too. But now, there's a reason why Annyeongz and Sakura/Chaewon can't meet them as much as they can.

Also who cares about Annyeongz being a delusional ship, I'd certainly still enjoy the crumbs :rofl:
What level? What does it have to do with anything? I don't ship them cause I don't care, they just have more chemistry than annyeongz which contradicts the anon i replied to saying yujin doesn't treat femmes warmly. She does, just not wonyoung and a bunch of other people
DA They have chemistry too yes, but it's not like Yujin was ignoring Wonyoung before too. When they were young, Yujin used to call Wonyoung 'baby'. Plus Jinjoo shippers didn't remember Yujin calling Minju 'tiring'? I love the girl but when they were with izone, she's like the resident slow poke that everyone adores and got exasperated with. Why yall Jinjoo shippers didn't ship Yujin and Nako anyway, Yujin was sweet to Nako too

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 23 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
Today, 07:45
Guest wrote:
Today, 03:18
Guest wrote:
Today, 01:39
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
Rei understands kpop fanservice as she said she’ll be a fan girl herself if she didn’t become an idol. She’s the same with Liz, J and Joy. But idk why people here just want to talk about yujin and make every friend of her gay lol. The girl can’t even have platonic friends :bigcry:

But fanservice aside, Rei is actually needy and clingy. She always need assurance from people. Gaeul, Yujin. I guess Yujin the most cause she’s their leader and a part time performance director lol. I think she’s one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed. Didn’t she have an anxiety rumor when she took a hiatus before.
I feel bad for Yujin. Rei is so needy. And what does she do whenever Yujin ignores her? Make sure everyone knows and what do dives do? Say Yujin is annoying, poor Rei, etc. even taking a video of Yujin sleeping and complaining as if Yujin needs to play with her instead and not rest lol. She thinks she’s so cute which she is technically but she has always put Yujin in a tight spot. She kinda gives me self centered vibes, I am subscribed to all of their bbl. She says everyone is hers. Now, Ive always wondered why Wonyoung and her do not appear close. Wonyoung did say she doesn’t like burdensome people.
DA I don't agree with the other anon, I think Yujin is the most likely to be gay or bi simply because she's serious about her decisions. She decided to cover BTW, she's gender inclusive even at a young age (consistent with this), she doesn't bait. Typing Rei, Gaeul and WY as the most likeliest gay is just being a stan of 1 of those people lol

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 27 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
41 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
DA Girl, you gotta let go of Minju/Jinjoo, she's really not on Yujin's level anymore. Even that past Yujin before was kinda sweet to Wonyoung too. But now, there's a reason why Annyeongz and Sakura/Chaewon can't meet them as much as they can.

Also who cares about Annyeongz being a delusional ship, I'd certainly still enjoy the crumbs :rofl:
Da Minju isn't on Yujin's level? You're implying the Yujin haters are right that Yujin is arrogant and only cares about status to defend your ship. Also way to bring Ssamkkura up as if their status couldn't get any lower atm :rofl:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 29 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
41 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
DA Girl, you gotta let go of Minju/Jinjoo, she's really not on Yujin's level anymore. Even that past Yujin before was kinda sweet to Wonyoung too. But now, there's a reason why Annyeongz and Sakura/Chaewon can't meet them as much as they can.

Also who cares about Annyeongz being a delusional ship, I'd certainly still enjoy the crumbs :rofl:
What level? What does it have to do with anything? I don't ship them cause I don't care, they just have more chemistry than annyeongz which contradicts the anon i replied to saying yujin doesn't treat femmes warmly. She does, just not wonyoung and a bunch of other people

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 31 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
Da I don't even remember Yujin being into Minju? Can you guys give examples?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 37 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
Today, 01:04
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 16:42
Which groups have the worst music in your
opinion? For me its
twice (rare but when its good its really good), triples (not great singers and the mixing is just awful),
Lesserafim (got boring really fast),
newjeans (i dont mind listening to them but none of their songs have ever made me feel anything, lowkey aespa but the recent cb saved them a bit, illit,
kep1er (i can count with 1 hand the songs i like from them)
Most bgs with the exception of exo, nshitty, 2pm, shinee and...no i think thats all of them :spy:
I will cite only one cause it's the most prominent and it's hilariously bad: Blackpink. With the exception of their earlier stuff (namely playing with fire, as if it's your last and dddd) their discography fucking sucks. It's been the same generic, rehashed, uninspired noise music since 2019 and the praise they get is one of the most insane collective brainwashings I've ever seen in pop music
da People who aren't even fans of kpop listen to blackpink so the brainwashing argument doesn't really work when their strength is casual listeners which most kpop groups don't really have. You also obviously haven't even listened to their albums, every single song on Born Pink sounds different.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 41 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
49 minutes ago
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?
DA Girl, you gotta let go of Minju/Jinjoo, she's really not on Yujin's level anymore. Even that past Yujin before was kinda sweet to Wonyoung too. But now, there's a reason why Annyeongz and Sakura/Chaewon can't meet them as much as they can.

Also who cares about Annyeongz being a delusional ship, I'd certainly still enjoy the crumbs :rofl:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 45 minutes ago

I don't care about Ive and the fact that they have 0 receipt and are allies/introverts or other things that are of no interest to me. The yujin x youngji convo had some substance at least.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » 49 minutes ago

Guest wrote:
Today, 04:30
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks
Except for Minju right
Maybe it's time to accept your delusional ship annyeongz is just a delusional ship?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 08:10

Guest wrote:
Today, 08:09
Guest wrote:
Today, 07:57
IVE are allies

Yujin sang born this way and not heteronormative
Wonyoung is heteronormative but mine’s original title is ‘Liked Her Better’
Rei said gender doesn’t exist in love (she was talking about Liz here)
Liz calls Rei her wife and even asked the maknae what’s the English word for it
Gaeul is very open to the fanservice and feeds delulu with her fan girls

I do not know if any one of them is gay because fanservice and gay stuff is understood as jokes here. I’ve always hoped one of the banners will be thrown on stage this tour and see if anyone will pick it up. I think it will be Yujin though. ^o)
It's not this thread's fault idols see it as jokes. 008
I meant here in SK

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 08:09

Guest wrote:
Today, 07:57
IVE are allies

Yujin sang born this way and not heteronormative
Wonyoung is heteronormative but mine’s original title is ‘Liked Her Better’
Rei said gender doesn’t exist in love (she was talking about Liz here)
Liz calls Rei her wife and even asked the maknae what’s the English word for it
Gaeul is very open to the fanservice and feeds delulu with her fan girls

I do not know if any one of them is gay because fanservice and gay stuff is understood as jokes here. I’ve always hoped one of the banners will be thrown on stage this tour and see if anyone will pick it up. I think it will be Yujin though. ^o)
It's not this thread's fault idols see it as jokes. 008

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 08:07

Guest wrote:
Today, 08:00
Holy mother of god that essay...
DA they had time 🕰️

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 08:00

Holy mother of god that essay...

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 07:57

IVE are allies

Yujin sang born this way and not heteronormative
Wonyoung is heteronormative but mine’s original title is ‘Liked Her Better’
Rei said gender doesn’t exist in love (she was talking about Liz here)
Liz calls Rei her wife and even asked the maknae what’s the English word for it
Gaeul is very open to the fanservice and feeds delulu with her fan girls

I do not know if any one of them is gay because fanservice and gay stuff is understood as jokes here. I’ve always hoped one of the banners will be thrown on stage this tour and see if anyone will pick it up. I think it will be Yujin though. ^o)

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 07:45

Guest wrote:
Today, 03:18
Guest wrote:
Today, 01:39
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
Rei understands kpop fanservice as she said she’ll be a fan girl herself if she didn’t become an idol. She’s the same with Liz, J and Joy. But idk why people here just want to talk about yujin and make every friend of her gay lol. The girl can’t even have platonic friends :bigcry:

But fanservice aside, Rei is actually needy and clingy. She always need assurance from people. Gaeul, Yujin. I guess Yujin the most cause she’s their leader and a part time performance director lol. I think she’s one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed. Didn’t she have an anxiety rumor when she took a hiatus before.
DA Yujin is definitely burnt out as an introvert with her busy schedule surrounded by many people and needs time to herself so clingy people aren't what she needs at all. She's obviously also not the type to share her concerns with others unlike how Rei is since she said it herself that she hates it when people try to give her advice because they aren't in her position to understand how she feels.

Back to the topic, I agree with how Rei is much gayer than Yujin, like this girl has always been fangirling over Joy and befriending pretty girls like J yeeun and acting nicer to prettier fangirls too. Has she ever gave reactions about her heart fluttering to men or anything similar? Never seen that happen with Rei. Even during that episode with jongkook she was more silent about the boyfriends topic. She's either a good actress who's great at pretending not to care or she genuinely prefers girls.

In IVE in general disregarding the underage minor, Rei is the gayest of all for sure. She even recommended blatantly lgbt songs like double take on her playlist.

I don't think wonyoung is gay, I remember during afterlike she recommended selena's boyfriend song where the lyrics go "I want a boyfriend". Even the boyfriends topic during the jongkook gym session she and liz were more into it and answered questions about what they prefer, and the Spotify ice queen role play song when she played the role of the ice queen and that part where the prince came into the story she gasped with a happy expression? The way she reacts to chaemin too?

As for how she feels towards yujin I believe there's some level of attraction though. The OTT performances have made me think that everyone (staff and IVE members) around annyeongz have been teasing them about being a romantic ship so much that they at times find it better not to interact too much in front of others to avoid being teased incessantly.

I understand how yujin pings but I cannot get over how she negatively or neutrally reacts to other women fawning over her and also how she looks like she gushes over men since predebut.

Gayest to most het in IVE without including the minor:

Rei > gaeul > wonyoung > yujin > liz

Gaeul is there because of her rumors to have dated women in her girls school days and how I find that she prefers stronger women. Still, not gay because I think she is attracted to cool boys like furuya Rei

Wonyoung > yujin because I mean you should know by now she sometimes has that thirsty look towards yujin and also how she initiates jokes about how she wants to be what her fangirl wants to date and suddenly says I don't care about your boyfriend unnie is mine

The only time I've found yujin more enamoured with a woman is with minju, other than that she looks pressurized with IVE and all the work burden and comes off as someone who craves someone older who'd make her happy and laugh all the time instead of someone who'd make her feel burdened, like people relying on her and such I don't think she likes it at all because starshit is already giving her more duties than they should due to their lack of manpower and miser-coded stingy upper management (she has to help IVE with dancing since they don't do hires, help IVE deal with emotional issues, lead IVE in initiating, and film jiraksil too) as a DIVE you should know what I'm saying

Liz has the most fanboys and I've only seen her flirt with fanboys but never with fangirls. Most of her fansites are boys and so it's a pity none of them put in much effort to make gifts for her and took a longer time to give her a custom mic. I did suspect her to be in the closet at the beginning because she was super shy with IVE and always blushed when they were physically close but fast forward to recent days there's no blushing or shyness anymore so she's likely only an introvert who doesn't like physical affection, nothing to do with gayness.
I feel bad for Yujin. Rei is so needy. And what does she do whenever Yujin ignores her? Make sure everyone knows and what do dives do? Say Yujin is annoying, poor Rei, etc. even taking a video of Yujin sleeping and complaining as if Yujin needs to play with her instead and not rest lol. She thinks she’s so cute which she is technically but she has always put Yujin in a tight spot. She kinda gives me self centered vibes, I am subscribed to all of their bbl. She says everyone is hers. Now, Ive always wondered why Wonyoung and her do not appear close. Wonyoung did say she doesn’t like burdensome people.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 06:54

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:07
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 16:17
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 16:07
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 15:52
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 15:39

No it's because anon was "mocking" the delusional stans who have said they think Jaewook is gay. I just said that mf pings so it's not crazy again paired with everything about this scandal, to think he is gay. It's possible it's just a huge coincidence and 4th gen gay lord karina dates a very effeminate man i would think is gay in any other circumstances, and also dispatch has no proof but tries to act like they have, and also they date for a few weeks etc etc. The possibility of it being true is there and there's nothing proving otherwise so i believe it.
DA Compared to other male actors, he doesn’t look any more “effeminate” than the rest. You want to think that he pings because you’re so desperately in denial about your fave dating a man. You know that you can accept that Karina dated him and still think that she’s bisexual, right?
... Idgi are you this dense to still be focused on the "he looks" gay or you meant he doesn't behave effeminate? I only recently discovered that he pings, it was brought up a while ago by an anon that I sorta called delusional because the titkok she shared had just 2 secs of him pinging. But actually he pings nearly all the time when he's not acting. Anyways I'm not desperate i'm just giving an opinion on what imo very obvious, like "he's effeminate" doesn't cancel him being straight. The desperate ones seem to be you because Karina cannot have one single gay receipt, not even an effeminate bf as if that necessarily means he's gay.

I've explained myself enough, if your lazy ass is too dumb to check out for yourself and call me delusional over what is like objective in my opinion, so be it.
Da of all the things to prove karina may be gay you use her boyfriend? You actually see how r- this is, right? And what do you mean dispatch has no proof? Sm confirmed it and like 3 months later they confirmed a break up. Karina herself posted an apology letter about her dating him so what do you even mean theres no proof they dated? And then you call others delusional and r- :rofl: also no he doesnt ping to me and i dont see why you still bring that ping shit up when he has rumours of hitting on women. Are you going to say hes repressed next? And what effeminate behaviours does he have? Please share in what way is he different to other korean men.
I call you delusional and r- because that's what you are that post proves it.

"of all the things to prove karina may be gay you use her boyfriend"
If you could read, i just answered an anon talking about Jaewook being gay and how it's basically super crazy to emit the possibility. I didn't say him being gay makes karina more gay.

"dispatch has no proof? Sm confirmed it"
Yes SM confirmed it, Dispatch has still no proof these two stuff can coexist. There is no proof they dated, like no pic etc. But they confirmed though so it's kinda difficult to deny this.

"also no he doesnt ping to me"
Oh ok. Well he does to me

DA he is kinda of f----- passing but hey isn't that the proof that pinging is overrated?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 05:49

Guest wrote:
Today, 04:40
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:36
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:18

i hate to say it but they have chemistry honestly. it's just a stare but their crumbs feed their delulu shippers for weeks and i finally understand lol i somewhat understand yujin too. wonyoung only pays attention to her and if she reciprocates it like in eleven era, the rest gets overshadowed like leeseo here
Girl save yourself the trouble and abandon this ship already. It’s not worth it following this fuckass ship. I’m so close to leaving it behind and moving on, but it’s hard :pensivebread:
:bigcry: it's freaking hard because every soundcheck, wonyoung always peeks at the big screen whenever yujin sings. she's sooo consistent with this that's why i love watching their soundcheck fancam, wy thinks she's subtle but she's not. and then OTT perf where she always look at yujin WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT :bigcry: these fucking crumbs won't let me go
for real like if anons here stop badmouthing at IVE in general, or maybe focus on Wonyoung, you will definitely notice that she's obsessed with Yujin. And it hurts :bigcry: And as a Izone fan who is a wonyoung stan, this still keeps on going so imagine that... it hurts :bigcry: and tbh I would want to have a Yujin face next life so that Wonyoung would obsessed over me. I can imagine wonyoung having a husband but will still crush on Yujin. It's sad. this ship is sad :sadangel:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 05:42


Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 05:37

Guest wrote:
Today, 03:29
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:10
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 17:59
Worst vocalist in kpop?
I love her so much sorry but... Ryujin :bigcry:

She has no strength in her vocal chords when on stage like that's shocking how weak someone can be vocally. I wonder if it's due to lack of practice or simply having 0 breathing strength? Because I recall her being pretty good during her vlives so moving around + singing must kill all her strength. Sad
No wonder ryujin queerbaits so much because of 0 talent
She doesn't queerbait much you're just a loser who thinks her pinging = queerbaiting

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 04:40

Guest wrote:
Today, 04:36
Guest wrote:
Today, 04:18

i hate to say it but they have chemistry honestly. it's just a stare but their crumbs feed their delulu shippers for weeks and i finally understand lol i somewhat understand yujin too. wonyoung only pays attention to her and if she reciprocates it like in eleven era, the rest gets overshadowed like leeseo here
Girl save yourself the trouble and abandon this ship already. It’s not worth it following this fuckass ship. I’m so close to leaving it behind and moving on, but it’s hard :pensivebread:
:bigcry: it's freaking hard because every soundcheck, wonyoung always peeks at the big screen whenever yujin sings. she's sooo consistent with this that's why i love watching their soundcheck fancam, wy thinks she's subtle but she's not. and then OTT perf where she always look at yujin WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT :bigcry: these fucking crumbs won't let me go

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 04:36

Guest wrote:
Today, 04:18

i hate to say it but they have chemistry honestly. it's just a stare but their crumbs feed their delulu shippers for weeks and i finally understand lol i somewhat understand yujin too. wonyoung only pays attention to her and if she reciprocates it like in eleven era, the rest gets overshadowed like leeseo here
Girl save yourself the trouble and abandon this ship already. It’s not worth it following this fuckass ship. I’m so close to leaving it behind and moving on, but it’s hard :pensivebread:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 04:30

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
DA I realized something actually, the more I watch Earth Arcade the more I see Yujin and Youngji as roughhousing brothers. I thought they're sus too at first but the more episodes get aired, they're just another Yujin/Yena bros :rofl: I cannot see anything sus about them anymore lol

And then I remembered how Yujin treats femme differently - she's soft with WY, she ignores her 70% of the time but whenever she thinks she hurt her, she touches her softly. Same with Rei, she pats her head and generally just being a reliable unnie that's why Rei continues to want to get closer to her

In conclusion, Yujin treats femme differently and very tsundere with them :rofl: She did say before she prefers being lowkey so that tracks

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 04:21

Guest wrote:
Today, 04:18

i hate to say it but they have chemistry honestly. it's just a stare but their crumbs feed their delulu shippers for weeks and i finally understand lol i somewhat understand yujin too. wonyoung only pays attention to her and if she reciprocates it like in eleven era, the rest gets overshadowed like leeseo here
qmta fix

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 04:18


i hate to say it but they have chemistry honestly. it's just a stare but their crumbs feed their delulu shippers for weeks and i finally understand lol i somewhat understand yujin too. wonyoung only pays attention to her and if she reciprocates it like in eleven era, the rest gets overshadowed like leeseo here

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 03:36

Does anyone know anything about Nien from TripleS? Or just TripleS in general? I still don’t know much about them.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 03:29

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:10
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 17:59
Worst vocalist in kpop?
I love her so much sorry but... Ryujin :bigcry:

She has no strength in her vocal chords when on stage like that's shocking how weak someone can be vocally. I wonder if it's due to lack of practice or simply having 0 breathing strength? Because I recall her being pretty good during her vlives so moving around + singing must kill all her strength. Sad
No wonder ryujin queerbaits so much because of 0 talent

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 03:18

Guest wrote:
Today, 01:39
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
Rei understands kpop fanservice as she said she’ll be a fan girl herself if she didn’t become an idol. She’s the same with Liz, J and Joy. But idk why people here just want to talk about yujin and make every friend of her gay lol. The girl can’t even have platonic friends :bigcry:

But fanservice aside, Rei is actually needy and clingy. She always need assurance from people. Gaeul, Yujin. I guess Yujin the most cause she’s their leader and a part time performance director lol. I think she’s one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed. Didn’t she have an anxiety rumor when she took a hiatus before.
DA Yujin is definitely burnt out as an introvert with her busy schedule surrounded by many people and needs time to herself so clingy people aren't what she needs at all. She's obviously also not the type to share her concerns with others unlike how Rei is since she said it herself that she hates it when people try to give her advice because they aren't in her position to understand how she feels.

Back to the topic, I agree with how Rei is much gayer than Yujin, like this girl has always been fangirling over Joy and befriending pretty girls like J yeeun and acting nicer to prettier fangirls too. Has she ever gave reactions about her heart fluttering to men or anything similar? Never seen that happen with Rei. Even during that episode with jongkook she was more silent about the boyfriends topic. She's either a good actress who's great at pretending not to care or she genuinely prefers girls.

In IVE in general disregarding the underage minor, Rei is the gayest of all for sure. She even recommended blatantly lgbt songs like double take on her playlist.

I don't think wonyoung is gay, I remember during afterlike she recommended selena's boyfriend song where the lyrics go "I want a boyfriend". Even the boyfriends topic during the jongkook gym session she and liz were more into it and answered questions about what they prefer, and the Spotify ice queen role play song when she played the role of the ice queen and that part where the prince came into the story she gasped with a happy expression? The way she reacts to chaemin too?

As for how she feels towards yujin I believe there's some level of attraction though. The OTT performances have made me think that everyone (staff and IVE members) around annyeongz have been teasing them about being a romantic ship so much that they at times find it better not to interact too much in front of others to avoid being teased incessantly.

I understand how yujin pings but I cannot get over how she negatively or neutrally reacts to other women fawning over her and also how she looks like she gushes over men since predebut.

Gayest to most het in IVE without including the minor:

Rei > gaeul > wonyoung > yujin > liz

Gaeul is there because of her rumors to have dated women in her girls school days and how I find that she prefers stronger women. Still, not gay because I think she is attracted to cool boys like furuya Rei

Wonyoung > yujin because I mean you should know by now she sometimes has that thirsty look towards yujin and also how she initiates jokes about how she wants to be what her fangirl wants to date and suddenly says I don't care about your boyfriend unnie is mine

The only time I've found yujin more enamoured with a woman is with minju, other than that she looks pressurized with IVE and all the work burden and comes off as someone who craves someone older who'd make her happy and laugh all the time instead of someone who'd make her feel burdened, like people relying on her and such I don't think she likes it at all because starshit is already giving her more duties than they should due to their lack of manpower and miser-coded stingy upper management (she has to help IVE with dancing since they don't do hires, help IVE deal with emotional issues, lead IVE in initiating, and film jiraksil too) as a DIVE you should know what I'm saying

Liz has the most fanboys and I've only seen her flirt with fanboys but never with fangirls. Most of her fansites are boys and so it's a pity none of them put in much effort to make gifts for her and took a longer time to give her a custom mic. I did suspect her to be in the closet at the beginning because she was super shy with IVE and always blushed when they were physically close but fast forward to recent days there's no blushing or shyness anymore so she's likely only an introvert who doesn't like physical affection, nothing to do with gayness.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 01:42

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 17:59
Worst vocalist in kpop?
Most members of Twice
Ryujin, Yuna
Kazuha Eunchae Sakura
That Japanese girl from Illit, not sure with her age and name

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 01:39

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 12:46
I dont know why everyone in here ignores how gay rei is for yujin. It doesnt even feel like fanservice, more like she wants her approval and attention while yujin gives her the cold shoulder. Maybe she isnt wlw but she is so needy when it comes to yujin :hmmm: anytime i watch one of their clips, rei is always trying to get closer to yujin while yujin is just doing whatever she does.
Her attitude towards pretty girls is so off to me, she pings so much but really? No reaction towards them being needy to you? Hmmm, meanwhile she doesnt mind fake kissing with youngji, ai ai ai these stans are probably right, yujin has no taste in women
Rei understands kpop fanservice as she said she’ll be a fan girl herself if she didn’t become an idol. She’s the same with Liz, J and Joy. But idk why people here just want to talk about yujin and make every friend of her gay lol. The girl can’t even have platonic friends :bigcry:

But fanservice aside, Rei is actually needy and clingy. She always need assurance from people. Gaeul, Yujin. I guess Yujin the most cause she’s their leader and a part time performance director lol. I think she’s one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed. Didn’t she have an anxiety rumor when she took a hiatus before.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Today, 01:04

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 16:42
Which groups have the worst music in your
opinion? For me its
twice (rare but when its good its really good), triples (not great singers and the mixing is just awful),
Lesserafim (got boring really fast),
newjeans (i dont mind listening to them but none of their songs have ever made me feel anything, lowkey aespa but the recent cb saved them a bit, illit,
kep1er (i can count with 1 hand the songs i like from them)
Most bgs with the exception of exo, nshitty, 2pm, shinee and...no i think thats all of them :spy:
I will cite only one cause it's the most prominent and it's hilariously bad: Blackpink. With the exception of their earlier stuff (namely playing with fire, as if it's your last and dddd) their discography fucking sucks. It's been the same generic, rehashed, uninspired noise music since 2019 and the praise they get is one of the most insane collective brainwashings I've ever seen in pop music

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 23:54

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 23:23
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 23:20
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 22:21
I'm confused, what is going on?
Some chinese gg stans call their favs for husband, idk if it's like how some use oppa or daddy but i absolutely hate all of it. It's so heteronormative and cringe. It's like they can't process that they are attracted to women so they need to call these girls for male stuff.
Minji has had to say several time that she dislikes being called oppa. Although I don't think she minds being called handsome by girls. She just dislikes being misgendered (as she should) these girls need to face their internal heteronormative mindset.
DA handsome is a bit different when used in Chinese. It's more like "cool" and doesn't carry the same heavy masculine implication we think of in English. It's also not used exclusively by wlw to talk about women, straight women use it too. Like calling a girl cool or hip or fresh. Husband is a little closer to oppa and is used more when women (less likely to be straight) like a more boyish vibe an idol gives off. It's not quite the same as misgendering (these fans are not thinking of it quite like they literally like the idea of a female idol being a man) but when Chinese fans use "husband" instead of "wife" on an idol it is like saying they like the more masculine qualities of a woman (and god I really don't want to get into this masculine idol debate because most of these idols are not remotely "masculine") relative to their feminine qualities. You're not wrong that there is an element of heteronormativity at play just due to the language choice, but there's also a slight difference in cultural context at least with Chinese fans.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 23:43

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 23:23
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 23:20
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 22:21
I'm confused, what is going on?
Some chinese gg stans call their favs for husband, idk if it's like how some use oppa or daddy but i absolutely hate all of it. It's so heteronormative and cringe. It's like they can't process that they are attracted to women so they need to call these girls for male stuff.
Minji has had to say several time that she dislikes being called oppa. Although I don't think she minds being called handsome by girls. She just dislikes being misgendered (as she should) these girls need to face their internal heteronormative mindset.
DA. It’s insane how rampant that is in the fandom… Like people will casually openly address her as male, literally to her face.
She likes being called handsome tho, she has shown that multiple times.

About the video,, I’m also confused cause what was the original intent? Was the girl calling her husband and she corrects her or was the girl teaching minji how to “call someone by husband” and she chose to go gay with it :hmmm:

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 23:23

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 23:20
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 22:21
I'm confused, what is going on?
Some chinese gg stans call their favs for husband, idk if it's like how some use oppa or daddy but i absolutely hate all of it. It's so heteronormative and cringe. It's like they can't process that they are attracted to women so they need to call these girls for male stuff.
Minji has had to say several time that she dislikes being called oppa. Although I don't think she minds being called handsome by girls. She just dislikes being misgendered (as she should) these girls need to face their internal heteronormative mindset.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 23:21

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:35
Favorite kpop songs?
Everglow - Ladida
Twice - Candy Pop
Sunmi - You can't sit with us
Sunmi - 24 Hours
Aespa - Welcome to my world (real masterpiece)
Enhypen - Drunk Dazed
Itzy - Loco
Somi - Fast forward
Yena - her songs and concept, i just love it, refreshing for me.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 23:20

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 22:21
I'm confused, what is going on?
Some chinese gg stans call their favs for husband, idk if it's like how some use oppa or daddy but i absolutely hate all of it. It's so heteronormative and cringe. It's like they can't process that they are attracted to women so they need to call these girls for male stuff.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 22:21

I'm confused, what is going on?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 21:56

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:35
Favorite kpop songs?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 21:34

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 21:27
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 20:26
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:17
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:05
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:00

Quoting myself to add: it’s also because LSF fucked up at intentional stage like Coachella and their performance went viral beyond just the Kpop scene
Most people at coachella werent listening to their vocals because it was way too loud. I only saw kpop fans making fun of them too.
I’m saying that the videos of their performance went viral. My friends, who don’t even listen to Kpop or keep up with it at all, saw clips of their singing on feed on Facebook, Twitter, and IG. It went beyond the Kpop scene whether you want to believe or not. Their bad performance even made it to national news in Korea
Everyone knows it made national news in korea, doesnt mean anything considering news are desesperate for anything. My main point is that kpop fans were acting like most of these groups arent 1 bad day away from sounding like lessarafim.
I feel like you’re in denial about how bad LSF sounded at Coachella. Most GGs do nots sound as bad as LSF with the exception of a few. And the ones that do aren’t getting the chance to perform on an international stage like Coachella, are they now? LSF were already criticized for their Unforgiven encore as well as their Easy encore. Two easy songs to sing, and they couldn’t even sing it properly while standing still. They literally came to Coachella right after they got criticized for their vocals, and they failed to shut down those criticism. If anyone else were in that situation and gave the same vocal performance as they did, I’m sure the criticism would have been the same.

I mentioned the news because you claimed it’s just Kpop stans talking about their performance when it made the news because it went viral on multiple sites and went beyond the Kpop scene.
Quoting myself to add: I know everyone has bad days, but with LSF, it’s a pattern with them, and they don’t have any true live performances (without prerecorded vocals) to counter the claims of their bad vocals. Wendy is a good example of someone who had a bad day when she butchered that Beyoncé cover, but the very next day, she sang it just fine plus her history of live singing let us know that it’s just one off day. Wendy had a bad day; LSF has bad vocal skills

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 21:27

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 20:26
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:17
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:05
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:00
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57

Yes, partially that, but it’s mostly because BGs are irrelevant in SK, so no one is even checking out their music to hear their voices. J/min got dragged pretty badly for his encore when it went viral in both SK and internationally
Quoting myself to add: it’s also because LSF fucked up at intentional stage like Coachella and their performance went viral beyond just the Kpop scene
Most people at coachella werent listening to their vocals because it was way too loud. I only saw kpop fans making fun of them too.
I’m saying that the videos of their performance went viral. My friends, who don’t even listen to Kpop or keep up with it at all, saw clips of their singing on feed on Facebook, Twitter, and IG. It went beyond the Kpop scene whether you want to believe or not. Their bad performance even made it to national news in Korea
Everyone knows it made national news in korea, doesnt mean anything considering news are desesperate for anything. My main point is that kpop fans were acting like most of these groups arent 1 bad day away from sounding like lessarafim.
I feel like you’re in denial about how bad LSF sounded at Coachella. Most GGs do nots sound as bad as LSF with the exception of a few. And the ones that do aren’t getting the chance to perform on an international stage like Coachella, are they now? LSF were already criticized for their Unforgiven encore as well as their Easy encore. Two easy songs to sing, and they couldn’t even sing it properly while standing still. They literally came to Coachella right after they got criticized for their vocals, and they failed to shut down those criticism. If anyone else were in that situation and gave the same vocal performance as they did, I’m sure the criticism would have been the same.

I mentioned the news because you claimed it’s just Kpop stans talking about their performance when it made the news because it went viral on multiple sites and went beyond the Kpop scene.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 20:58

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:16
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:02
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:53
What groups do you guys think have good music? For me it’s IVE, STAYC (not so much the recent stuff), Red Velvet (they’re kinda hit or miss, but the hits are so good), f(x), Apink, and SHINee
Red Velvet, Dreamcatcher, Ladies code, wonder girls(reboot), Pre debut Loona/Artms, f(x), wjsn, Newjeans, Fromis9, shinee,
Thanks for reminding me about Wonder Girls. I also like ARTMS’ music as well
Bg stans hyping up bts and other bg like Stray kids because they write music when it's trash. Wonder girls reboot was written and produced by them and is regarded as one if not the best kpop album and they did the whole 80s revival before it became huge in America. I also wish more people know about the two b side songs on sulli (rip) Goblin. The most artistic experimental kpop has ever been.
DA If you love Sulli's music you might like Aseul. I feel she was influenced by Goblin because this was released the next year and it's the only Kpop I've ever heard that can be even slightly compared, especially Dying Practice and Bye Bye Summer. I'm with you on how good On the Moon and Dorothy are, like when Goblin came out I had to create a perfect tag on my music profile just to add all the songs, and they'd definitely be recognised as important if SM promoted it. I can't say I'm consistently shook by any sound lately except from NewJeans, ARTMS and fromis_9. tripleS (Generation, the original Dimension, Colorful and Dahyun's voice), XG (Shooting Star and Left Right) and Limelight (I really think Eye to Eye and Madeleine are better than some whole discographies) are above average but way less consistent to my ear

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 20:26

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:17
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:05
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:00
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:48

I will say it again, it's misogyny from bg stans
pretty much all Boy groups these days can't sing. I find it ironic how much le sserafim is criticized for weak vocals and being a more performance based group when that is literally what all bg are since 3 gen ended. At least new girl groups have strong vocal groups like nmixx( one of the strongest ever in kpop) aespa, babymonster, kiss of life, dahyun from triples..
Yes, partially that, but it’s mostly because BGs are irrelevant in SK, so no one is even checking out their music to hear their voices. J/min got dragged pretty badly for his encore when it went viral in both SK and internationally
Quoting myself to add: it’s also because LSF fucked up at intentional stage like Coachella and their performance went viral beyond just the Kpop scene
Most people at coachella werent listening to their vocals because it was way too loud. I only saw kpop fans making fun of them too.
I’m saying that the videos of their performance went viral. My friends, who don’t even listen to Kpop or keep up with it at all, saw clips of their singing on feed on Facebook, Twitter, and IG. It went beyond the Kpop scene whether you want to believe or not. Their bad performance even made it to national news in Korea
Everyone knows it made national news in korea, doesnt mean anything considering news are desesperate for anything. My main point is that kpop fans were acting like most of these groups arent 1 bad day away from sounding like lessarafim.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 20:08

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:35
Favorite kpop songs?
Wow Thing
Maria - Hwasa
Killing Me - Chung ha
One Kiss - RV
After School - Weeekly
I Am The best - 2ne1
Closer - GG

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:48

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:35
Favorite kpop songs?
Can't pick just one, but these are my all time favorite kpop songs

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:35

Favorite kpop songs?

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:24

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:16
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:02
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:53
What groups do you guys think have good music? For me it’s IVE, STAYC (not so much the recent stuff), Red Velvet (they’re kinda hit or miss, but the hits are so good), f(x), Apink, and SHINee
Red Velvet, Dreamcatcher, Ladies code, wonder girls(reboot), Pre debut Loona/Artms, f(x), wjsn, Newjeans, Fromis9, shinee,
Thanks for reminding me about Wonder Girls. I also like ARTMS’ music as well
Bg stans hyping up bts and other bg like Stray kids because they write music when it's trash. Wonder girls reboot was written and produced by them and is regarded as one if not the best kpop album and they did the whole 80s revival before it became huge in America. I also wish more people know about the two b side songs on sulli (rip) Goblin. The most artistic experimental kpop has ever been.
I don’t keep up with skz or any of the BGs that makes noisy music, but I heard that skz is popular because they really lean into the parasocial relationships and cringey fan service more than most groups. Many of their fans are not really there for the music, but they won’t admit it.

Oh I didn’t know that WG wrote and produced Reboot. This is the kind of self-production that deserves to be praised because it’s genuinely a good album

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:17

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:05
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:00
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:48
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:44

It’s not just their lack of skills, but it’s the fact that their vocal tones sound extremely unpleasant to most people. Like NJ and IVE have members that are vocally weak, but their vocal tones sound nice. It’s also the fact that LSF literally cannot sing their own song live while standing still. I don’t even know why you’re acting obtuse about this
I will say it again, it's misogyny from bg stans
pretty much all Boy groups these days can't sing. I find it ironic how much le sserafim is criticized for weak vocals and being a more performance based group when that is literally what all bg are since 3 gen ended. At least new girl groups have strong vocal groups like nmixx( one of the strongest ever in kpop) aespa, babymonster, kiss of life, dahyun from triples..
Yes, partially that, but it’s mostly because BGs are irrelevant in SK, so no one is even checking out their music to hear their voices. J/min got dragged pretty badly for his encore when it went viral in both SK and internationally
Quoting myself to add: it’s also because LSF fucked up at intentional stage like Coachella and their performance went viral beyond just the Kpop scene
Most people at coachella werent listening to their vocals because it was way too loud. I only saw kpop fans making fun of them too.
I’m saying that the videos of their performance went viral. My friends, who don’t even listen to Kpop or keep up with it at all, saw clips of their singing on feed on Facebook, Twitter, and IG. It went beyond the Kpop scene whether you want to believe or not. Their bad performance even made it to national news in Korea

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:16

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:02
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:53
What groups do you guys think have good music? For me it’s IVE, STAYC (not so much the recent stuff), Red Velvet (they’re kinda hit or miss, but the hits are so good), f(x), Apink, and SHINee
Red Velvet, Dreamcatcher, Ladies code, wonder girls(reboot), Pre debut Loona/Artms, f(x), wjsn, Newjeans, Fromis9, shinee,
Thanks for reminding me about Wonder Girls. I also like ARTMS’ music as well
Bg stans hyping up bts and other bg like Stray kids because they write music when it's trash. Wonder girls reboot was written and produced by them and is regarded as one if not the best kpop album and they did the whole 80s revival before it became huge in America. I also wish more people know about the two b side songs on sulli (rip) Goblin. The most artistic experimental kpop has ever been.

Re: Korean Entertainment - Part II

by Guest » Yesterday, 19:05

Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 19:00
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:57
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:48
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 18:44
Guest wrote:
Yesterday, 17:14

Agree with all of them, I would add those 4th gen bg that keep rapping like they got rabbies, fifty fifty i mean its cute but the vocals are boring, the rapping is not rapping and overral only good as a tiktok song, kiss of life but its weird because they have everything yet something feels like its missing, stayc except for a few songs, everything somi touched, and babymonster except for like that
Unpopular opinion: sheesh wasnt that bad and i dont get why were making such a big deal about lesserafim and illit not being able to sing when most of their gens dont either. The only group that does sing really well is aespa, other than them most can only hold a note
It’s not just their lack of skills, but it’s the fact that their vocal tones sound extremely unpleasant to most people. Like NJ and IVE have members that are vocally weak, but their vocal tones sound nice. It’s also the fact that LSF literally cannot sing their own song live while standing still. I don’t even know why you’re acting obtuse about this
I will say it again, it's misogyny from bg stans
pretty much all Boy groups these days can't sing. I find it ironic how much le sserafim is criticized for weak vocals and being a more performance based group when that is literally what all bg are since 3 gen ended. At least new girl groups have strong vocal groups like nmixx( one of the strongest ever in kpop) aespa, babymonster, kiss of life, dahyun from triples..
Yes, partially that, but it’s mostly because BGs are irrelevant in SK, so no one is even checking out their music to hear their voices. J/min got dragged pretty badly for his encore when it went viral in both SK and internationally
Quoting myself to add: it’s also because LSF fucked up at intentional stage like Coachella and their performance went viral beyond just the Kpop scene
Most people at coachella werent listening to their vocals because it was way too loud. I only saw kpop fans making fun of them too.
