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Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 27 May 2024, 16:28

Guest wrote:
27 May 2024, 12:37
I think this place is just full of contrarian trolls in general lately, especially for idols widely assumed to be fam. Like the anon(s) with an ax to grind against Moonbyul of all people lol. TLC has been periodically linked to normies, so I assume it's straight trolls coming here thinking they can rile the lesbians up or whatever. I'd just ignore them.

In gay news, I really enjoyed this thread. The way these two have been so consistently soft for each other over the years :wub:
Cuties. Such a gold mine in that thread. :hug:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 27 May 2024, 12:37

I think this place is just full of contrarian trolls in general lately, especially for idols widely assumed to be fam. Like the anon(s) with an ax to grind against Moonbyul of all people lol. TLC has been periodically linked to normies, so I assume it's straight trolls coming here thinking they can rile the lesbians up or whatever. I'd just ignore them.

In gay news, I really enjoyed this thread. The way these two have been so consistently soft for each other over the years :wub:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 27 May 2024, 10:39

Guest wrote:
22 May 2024, 20:26
Now that the perception around Siyeon has been shaken up by the Siyeon het anon they seem to be targetting Yoohyeon. =_=
Someone said Sua is more lgbt than Yoohyeon, joke of the century.

It's just Siyoo antis. Tried to make people shut up, then trying to cast doubt on both. Now thread is mostly dead 008

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 22 May 2024, 20:26

Now that the perception around Siyeon has been shaken up by the Siyeon het anon they seem to be targetting Yoohyeon. =_=

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 15 May 2024, 17:13

Lmao this DC mind episode was hilarious. I love how it showed a different side of Jiu, Handong and Yoohyeon :lol:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 13 May 2024, 06:04

I just think it's a lot more telling that a good chunk of very sus things we have on her all come from early years when she was a lot more loud and unfiltered about things. Even though we found these things later these interview snippets etc are all pretty old. She didn't suddenly start catering to her growing queer audience, sure she was big on fanservice with Sua but a lot of her sus things talked about here are usually not fanservice. Pre 2020 dc weren't particularly well known and it's only after boca and odd eye that they really blew up and entered the mainstream properly. Her distaste for dating and marriage and questions about men is old, she never played into the "girl friends and boyfriends" vaguely bisexual joke idols do (Not Yoohyeon, the girl explicitly corrected an interviewer). If anything she seems to avoid catering to them for the most part, eg; dropping the wifey joke completely after being pressured into acknowledging men as part of it, pointedly skipping the word man while singing. She has no sane reason for sidelining an entire demographic of the fanbase just to queerbait sapphic fans.

She has been a lot more cautious with what she puts out now and is lot more reserved/private than before given the growing number of eyes on her but even now she slips up on occasion.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 13 May 2024, 05:31

Guest wrote:
13 May 2024, 04:03
The way I see it -

People that ping aren't always gay.
People with sus moments towards/about other women aren't always gay.
People with no hint about male attraction in many years aren't always gay.

But all together? Come on now. Probability gets a lot lower. I think it's absolutely logical for people to assume she is sapphic, at least to some degree. If she is not, then she has hid her attraction to men extremely well and consistently.

If you notice, the person that is insisting she is straight without any backup proof seems to intensely dislike her, thinking she is purposely acting and queerbaiting like some sort of evil scheme. You're never going to change the mind of someone that is determined to see the worst in someone. They get off on taunting Siyeon stans so we'll probably be dealing with Siyeon het comments for a while sadly.

Also to me, pausing and clearly laughing over the word straight, then trying to write it off is a receipt. You could see it was an immediate understanding between them. An inside joke between sapphics. I doubt a het would be finding the word straight in reference to "who is the girl I see" so damn hilarious, let's be real.
I agree because it wasn't just Siyeon alone who reacted to the word. Yoohyeon specifically stopped to look at Siyeon for her reaction while barely containing her laughter. And when Siyeon tried to claim she needs to pull up the lyrics Yoohyeon specifically called her out by asking her why she would do that and immediately proceeded to sing the rest of the song without issue which means she didn't forget shit.

Her repeatedly constantly talking about how attractive women's waists and pelvis are is also a receipt because you genuinely cannot write it off as having a het explanation unless we are now assuming het women fixate on other women's bodies to this degree. If she'd said the same thing about idk, a guys pecs or something that would be taken as a het receipt. If she had called a male actor her ideal man it would be taken as a het receipt. If she'd repeatedly called her male friend sexy it would have been taken as a het receipt.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 13 May 2024, 04:03

The way I see it -

People that ping aren't always gay.
People with sus moments towards/about other women aren't always gay.
People with no hint about male attraction in many years aren't always gay.

But all together? Come on now. Probability gets a lot lower. I think it's absolutely logical for people to assume she is sapphic, at least to some degree. If she is not, then she has hid her attraction to men extremely well and consistently.

If you notice, the person that is insisting she is straight without any backup proof seems to intensely dislike her, thinking she is purposely acting and queerbaiting like some sort of evil scheme. You're never going to change the mind of someone that is determined to see the worst in someone. They get off on taunting Siyeon stans so we'll probably be dealing with Siyeon het comments for a while sadly.

Also to me, pausing and clearly laughing over the word straight, then trying to write it off is a receipt. You could see it was an immediate understanding between them. An inside joke between sapphics. I doubt a het would be finding the word straight in reference to "who is the girl I see" so damn hilarious, let's be real.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 20:46

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29

Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
Imo she does. Like I said, the chocolate story can be explained by other means so it isn't a receipt, even if it's extremely sus, maybe if she adds more context it will become a receipt (like saying it was a classmate, that she left it in their seat or something like that)

Of course, strong receipts are hard in kpop, so unless they dgaf anymore we usually have a collection of sus moments that made idols sus as a whole. But as an example for a receipt (at least that I consider one), like other anon said, she checks out women. We have her on video (also comments of fans but those are unreliable anecdotes), we have multiple cases of those videos, her face in some of those videos is obviously checking the whole body instead of focusing on an accesory or something specific which she sometimes does, and while some videos can be explained by her zoning out there's also others with enough context and a good angle that can't be explained in a non-fruity way. The comments she has made about women's bodies also reinforce that she does checks out women, because it shows what she's paying attention to

As a comparison, Handong is another member who sometimes seems to be checking out women, but she also has made it clear that she's really interested in fashion, and she's never made the type of comments Siyeon does afaik. She's also always complimenting fangirls clothes of fansigns if they catch her attention, so we know she pays attention to that

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 20:33

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 20:13
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 18:18
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02

Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.

The difference is that I*rene showed interest in m*n, and Siyeon didn't at all. and it's not as if this is a recent thing, since minx era Siyeon was acting sus. Besides this, if Siyeon had described m*n how she describes women, this would have been taken as straight immediately by some people
Da what are you talking about? !rene has never shown interest in men. I don't know if she's wlw or not, but the fact remains that she's never shown any sign of attraction to dudes. And yes, neither has Siyeon, but you don't have to lie just to give more weight to your argument.
Can we leave non dc members out of this thread? I don't even think anon knows !rene outside of what bs goes on in the k-ent thread. Bringing her into the conversation was already beyond stupid because that woman has no het receipts and using her as evidence against Siyeon being possibly fam is idiotic for anyone who knows her.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 20:13

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 18:18
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29

I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.

The difference is that I*rene showed interest in m*n, and Siyeon didn't at all. and it's not as if this is a recent thing, since minx era Siyeon was acting sus. Besides this, if Siyeon had described m*n how she describes women, this would have been taken as straight immediately by some people
Da what are you talking about? Irene has never shown interest in men. I don't know if she's wlw or not, but the fact remains that she's never shown any sign of attraction to dudes. And yes, neither has Siyeon, but you don't have to lie just to give more weight to your argument.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 20:07

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 18:18
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.

The difference is that I*rene showed interest in m*n, and Siyeon didn't at all. and it's not as if this is a recent thing, since minx era Siyeon was acting sus. Besides this, if Siyeon had described m*n how she describes women, this would have been taken as straight immediately by some people
Reminder that she got teased about being against marriage because of her members by Sua back in 2018, in a game where the girls were bringing up facts or details that would get a reaction out of them. Before the whole anti marriage feminist thing happened. Shot down interest in dating m*n immediately back in 2017, shut down the implication that she liked a male fictional character because of attraction in 2018 and doubled down on not wanting him as her ideal in 2021, called a woman's primarily queer roles her ideal women, has waxed poetic about women's bodies in far too much detail multiple times, has been caught on camera openly checking out women and catching herself trying to pretend it didn't happen, cracked up at the word straight with another sapphic member and got called out for lying about the lyrics by said sapphic member. And that's just the surface level things. I don't know what her exact sexuality is, all I know is that she isn't straight and no amount of pretzeling some people do will change the fact that she is visibly attracted to women.

People should be allowed to speculate the possibility of her being a lesbian when she has shown zero interest in men in all these years despite showing obvious interest in women. Sure, she could be bi or pan but there is nothing to suggest that and there is no way to claim she is boy crazy or het given everything we have seen from her. And even if she was bi or pan so what? So is Yoohyeon and while she does get written off for not being a lesbian, I don't see anyone throwing fits about her to the same extent like some people do with Siyeon. I just do not get this sudden mindset of het till they come out explicitly.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 18:38

I still think the friend she had a secret crush on and gave chocolates to was likely the bassist. She's brought her up twice, both times unprompted with obvious admiration for her physical appeal, she said she was very close to her and the girl was in her high school band. It's left enough of an impact on her that she still brings it up now more than a decade later. And I just don't see how you secretly leave chocolates for someone outside of a school setting because it's not like you can go to their place and leave them there without anyone finding out and telling them like parents or neighbours etc. Schools just make more sense since classes can be empty, lockers, desks or bags are easily accessible when nobody is in the class.
This is just a hypothetical obviously but idk she seems to have been very into the bassist.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 18:18

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.

The difference is that I*rene showed interest in m*n, and Siyeon didn't at all. and it's not as if this is a recent thing, since minx era Siyeon was acting sus. Besides this, if Siyeon had described m*n how she describes women, this would have been taken as straight immediately by some people

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 18:14

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40

Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.
You are acting like Siyeon has a ton of het receipts instead of the actual grand total of zero.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 18:10

Kpop stans forever forgetting that kpop idols are real people who aren't fictional orphans in a fictional world. You realize there are consequences to coming out as a lesbian or bisexual in the extremely homophobic anti women society that can not only impact them directly but also their direct and indirect relatives. Mind you the risk is to their career, safety and even their life.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 17:56

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 17:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.
And what difference does Yoohyeon being bi make if she ends up with a man? Siyeon shows obvious interest in and attraction to women, has for several years while showing none in men, in a way that can't be written off as shipping goggles and fanservice. Unless she comes forward and explicitly says the words "I want to fuck women" you'd write her off as a straight anyway so what difference does it make? Why even lurk on a speculation board if all you actually want is an idol to come out of the closet and be openly discriminated against by the homophobic industry because it makes you feel seen through your safety net? Go support Holland or Jiae instead if you want them declaring their sexuality from the rooftop. No lesbian idol will come out while still active, the only ones who kind of do are pan or bi.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 17:40

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
Da. Like when I*rene called that female radio host her style?
it doesnt mean shit if they both end up with m*n.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 16:34

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 16:13
I think trying to separate what's a receipt and what's just sus is a futile exercise. When everyone is closeted, you'll always have plausible deniability. Like there's probably only a handful of moments as overt as the "hardworking people" comment across the entirety of Kpop, so if that's what you need to believe an idol is fam, you're gonna have a rough time.
You can write off the hardworking people thing with enough mental gymnastics too. A lot of people do that with Yoohyeon and write her off as doing fanservice or being an ally.
Jumping through hoops with Siyeon every second day is exhausting. There are people on this thread who don't want her to be gay for whatever reason and okay? You are free to do that but repeatedly trying to write off everything about her gets boring real fast. You have to literally bend over backwards to hetsplain away everything she has said and done. Especially given the sheer frequency of sus behaviour on her part.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 16:13

I think trying to separate what's a receipt and what's just sus is a futile exercise. When everyone is closeted, you'll always have plausible deniability. Like there's probably only a handful of moments as overt as the "hardworking people" comment across the entirety of Kpop, so if that's what you need to believe an idol is fam, you're gonna have a rough time.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 15:50

The dc thread being dedicated to prove Siyeon het explains why k-ent anon thinks she's a typical het girl.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 08:27

Is she even actually sus or is it just collective wishful thinking? Girl knows her audience. I wouldn't be surprised if every thing we have on her is a performance.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 07:54

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 07:40
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt
She didn't call Cate her ideal woman. She called all her characters her ideal women. So people have just been calling some mildly sus things she's said "receipts".

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 07:40

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 06:02
Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.
I think the fact that she called cate blanchett her ideal woman, it can be a receipt

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 06:02

Guest wrote:
12 May 2024, 03:29
Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw
Then Siyeon doesn't have receipts either right? Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 12 May 2024, 03:29

Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 19:22
I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?
I usually call a receip a fact that it's really hard or impossible to explain by other reasons and that we can confirm as real. Like Yoohyeon saying she likes all people, that's something said by her, on video, correctly translated, with enough context, and that it's hard to misunderstand with other reasons as to why she would say that in that way. So if someone says "Yooh is straight", we have a receipt of her that proves that statement wrong or at least makes it lose a lot of weight (unless they also present a receipt in line with their statement which opens a debate)

A sus thing on the other hand is something that can be explained by other reasons, but that in the context, adding up to other sus things or just because it's hard to define where's the line, makes you think it might indicate or hint at something being true. Like the Siyeon Valentine's story, she could be talking about a neighbourhood male friend, but the situation makes more sense in a school setting and at that time she was in an all-girls school, that's why it's sus and it also adds to a whole list of sus things related to her

A receipt is a strong sign, while a sus thing is a rather weak one. The receipt is more used as proof, while the sus things are like little flags that makes you pay more or less attention to certain people
Also, the sus things, unless is REALLY sus, have more or less weight depending on how many other sus things they have. So far, all members have some sus things, but as example in Jiu or Handong cases those sus things don't really push the bar towards wlw

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 11 May 2024, 19:22

I'm confused. What makes something a receipt vs a sus thing?

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 11 May 2024, 06:22

Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 05:20
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 17:55
With how bad the shit on kent is right now I'd suggest treating anyone asking about the girls as possible bait. The lack of mention of Yooh because she is bi, Siyeon getting dragged, Dami getting dragged, Sua slander is all an attempt to start a fight. I have so far not seen any idol not get dragged over there off late. If they are that curious they'd just come to the dc thread and actually ask. It's mostly to start arguments amongst fandoms. The goalposts there shift faster than you can blink and the rules are different for different people. :nails:
I don't think everyone questioning receipts is trolling/baiting. That person in particular was asking for receipts maybe they were just too lazy to actually go through the whole thread who knows. There's a good amount of receipts on Siyeon so I don't doubt her being into women but I wouldn't instantly dismiss everyone who clocks her as straight from the get-go. If they don't know about her they probably also don't know anything about Yoo either so they're just going off of vibes (which Dami gives the most).
See, one google search will tell you that Yoohyeon is incredibly loud about support and link to her video where she corrected the interviewer so I call bs on people not knowing about Yoohyeon just because they don't know about Siyeon, who a) never came out and b) has receipts that are not that loud/fanservicy or shared in gay compilations of kpop idols. If you are in kpop circles and on lesbian forums that discuss possibly queer idols then you have definitely stumbled across that clip of Yoohyeon.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 11 May 2024, 05:20

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 17:55
With how bad the shit on kent is right now I'd suggest treating anyone asking about the girls as possible bait. The lack of mention of Yooh because she is bi, Siyeon getting dragged, Dami getting dragged, Sua slander is all an attempt to start a fight. I have so far not seen any idol not get dragged over there off late. If they are that curious they'd just come to the dc thread and actually ask. It's mostly to start arguments amongst fandoms. The goalposts there shift faster than you can blink and the rules are different for different people. :nails:
I don't think everyone questioning receipts is trolling/baiting. That person in particular was asking for receipts maybe they were just too lazy to actually go through the whole thread who knows. There's a good amount of receipts on Siyeon so I don't doubt her being into women but I wouldn't instantly dismiss everyone who clocks her as straight from the get-go. If they don't know about her they probably also don't know anything about Yoo either so they're just going off of vibes (which Dami gives the most).

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 11 May 2024, 04:02

Guest wrote:
11 May 2024, 00:29
Tbh I don't take nails toooooo seriously with idols, who go out of their way to do all sorts of things for fashion. These people are in front of cameras 24/7, some lesbians probably sacrifice certain things to look pretty/cool and there's nothing wrong with that.

It could also mean they are single, or don't do things that require short nails until fake ones are off - there are other ways of satisfying anyway :P

It's something I clock and can sometimes have merit, but I don't think it's definitive proof considering their career.

I do notice that Yoohyeon has often opted to keep modest or short nails often, for years. Not sure about the other suspected wlw Dami or Gah.

As for the Yooh erasure, it makes my blood boil. When there's massive wlw lists and people don't bother putting her on there :handbags:
I think Yooh keeps hers short mostly because she tends to end up breaking them. Breaking an acrylic hurts like a mfer and feels like you had your entire finger seared off. And she has broken them about 3 times that I can remember. Dami already has ridiculously long hands so acrylics probably make things harder for her and she usually goes for really long nails when she does get them. Gahyeon typically keeps her acrylics on. Siyeon also gets her acrylics filed down in their off time.

Plus it depends. People who are into working out, play sports or do a lot of general physical activity like JiBo typically skip acrylics cause they become a hindrance and again, can break.

In kpop most visual members or those who plan on acting will usually keep their nails bare and their makeup as close to natural ss possible.

Oh and big thing here, acrylics have really blunt and smooth edges and good installations don't come off easily. So it's nearly impossible to scratch yourself with them. People who get acrylics regularly find that natural nails tend to hurt more because of how thin, sharp and uneven they are in comparison. Of course if you jab your acrylics into a person its going to hurt from the blunt force but they aren't sharp like a lot of non acrylic users think they are.

I've stopped bothering with their lists. Most of them are only trying to pick fights by mentioning the controversial takes.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 11 May 2024, 00:29

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 10:01
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 09:40
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
You basically just need to exist to be called straight unless proven otherwise. Siyeon being seen as straight probably has to do with that womanly/sexy sassy poise she got going on when she's not acting like a tomboy. That and her long nails just seem to be on the opposite end of the lesbian stereotype spectrum. I would bet it's the newbies and casual fans just thinking that because once you scratch beyond the surface level you realize that those things don't mean a thing
Oh god the nails.

I also think a big part of the casual listeners thinking she is het comes from her femme fatale image she seems to have in their mvs and stages. Because if we want her looking and acting like a stereotypical lesbian there is a shit ton of videos out there of her behaving like one based on her body language alone.
Tbh I don't take nails toooooo seriously with idols, who go out of their way to do all sorts of things for fashion. These people are in front of cameras 24/7, some lesbians probably sacrifice certain things to look pretty/cool and there's nothing wrong with that.

It could also mean they are single, or don't do things that require short nails until fake ones are off - there are other ways of satisfying anyway :P

It's something I clock and can sometimes have merit, but I don't think it's definitive proof considering their career.

I do notice that Yoohyeon has often opted to keep modest or short nails often, for years. Not sure about the other suspected wlw Dami or Gah.

As for the Yooh erasure, it makes my blood boil. When there's massive wlw lists and people don't bother putting her on there :handbags:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 17:55

With how bad the shit on kent is right now I'd suggest treating anyone asking about the girls as possible bait. The lack of mention of Yooh because she is bi, Siyeon getting dragged, Dami getting dragged, Sua slander is all an attempt to start a fight. I have so far not seen any idol not get dragged over there off late. If they are that curious they'd just come to the dc thread and actually ask. It's mostly to start arguments amongst fandoms. The goalposts there shift faster than you can blink and the rules are different for different people. :nails:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 14:12

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 13:56
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 13:09
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
That comment was from the kent thread I have no idea why anon brought it over. <_< It just said she looks straight and they were asking for receipts (not a somnia most likely).
They said she looks like a "typical straight girl" and that the dc thread led them to believe the only thing about her was her looking at her members. They also pointed out that they have known them since Minx hence the never pinging till dreamcatcher. I brought it here because of the comment about Siyeon having no receipts as per this thread and Yoohyeon not even being mentioned despite people on K-ent repeatedly bringing up that Yoohyeon is into women.
I have seen a similar sentiment mentioned here occasionally, the artsy het, doesn't ping at all, no receipts, no show of support remarks always with a comment about others being more likely to be gay than her het girl self. Its possible that was an attempt to start an argument or just bait because it was on a post that didn't even mention her. It was in response to a comment about Dami and Soojin. I also find it odd that this thread made them believe that Siyeon is het with no real receipts and Dami is the definite sapphic. There was also someone who tried to bait dc fans a while ago on a fun little post about favorite idols and when someone brought her up as their favorite an anon commented calling her a queerbaitor. I genuinely think its more likely a troll than a non fan asking for receipts because the receipts have been shared on k-ent just these past few months multiple times and discussed very recently on this thread following the Siyeon anti's trolling. Its not really that believable to me that the anon never found why she is considered sus.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 13:56

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 13:09
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
That comment was from the kent thread I have no idea why anon brought it over. <_< It just said she looks straight and they were asking for receipts (not a somnia most likely).
They said she looks like a "typical straight girl" and that the dc thread led them to believe the only thing about her was her looking at her members. They also pointed out that they have known them since Minx hence the never pinging till dreamcatcher. I brought it here because of the comment about Siyeon having no receipts as per this thread and Yoohyeon not even being mentioned despite people on K-ent repeatedly bringing up that Yoohyeon is into women.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 13:56

What are you hoping for the next comeback and any guesses as to what the rest of the yrs schedule could be?

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 13:09

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
That comment was from the kent thread I have no idea why anon brought it over. <_< It just said she looks straight and they were asking for receipts (not a somnia most likely).

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 10:01

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 09:40
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
You basically just need to exist to be called straight unless proven otherwise. Siyeon being seen as straight probably has to do with that womanly/sexy sassy poise she got going on when she's not acting like a tomboy. That and her long nails just seem to be on the opposite end of the lesbian stereotype spectrum. I would bet it's the newbies and casual fans just thinking that because once you scratch beyond the surface level you realize that those things don't mean a thing
Oh god the nails.

I also think a big part of the casual listeners thinking she is het comes from her femme fatale image she seems to have in their mvs and stages. Because if we want her looking and acting like a stereotypical lesbian there is a shit ton of videos out there of her behaving like one based on her body language alone.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 09:41

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
I love Dami, she was my first ult in kpop and she is one of my main picks for a possible lesbian in the group because some of her vibes are sus. But she doesn't actually have any actual receipts? Even the banner people were bringing up a while ago is off and doesn't have the correct colours to be a lesbian flag which would be a necessity for a discreet banner in the first place. There are some things she has said that make you go "hmm" but nothing particularly incriminating, not even the dessert lyrics are all that clear and are vague enough to be read as het or gay depending on the person. She hasn't really behaved in a way that indicates interest in women or disinterest in men either. And her fangirling over her faves is about as sus as any big fan gushing over their favourite, doesn't necessarily mean attraction. Does she have some vibes? Yes, she has vaguely gay vibes on camera, not so much on stage where to me she usually comes across as rather soft and delicate, almost fairy like unless she is mid performance where she pulls on her aggressive rapper hip-hop dancer vibe. I still think she is highly likely to be sapphic though because there are a lot of sus things here even if they aren't incriminating. But I do think its actually hilarious that Siyeon with her everything is the typical het girl while Dami with only her vibe is the definite woman liker.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 09:40

Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 08:44
What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.
You basically just need to exist to be called straight unless proven otherwise. Siyeon being seen as straight probably has to do with that womanly/sexy sassy poise she got going on when she's not acting like a tomboy. That and her long nails just seem to be on the opposite end of the lesbian stereotype spectrum. I would bet it's the newbies and casual fans just thinking that because once you scratch beyond the surface level you realize that those things don't mean a thing

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 08:44

What het thing has Siyeon done that gives people the impression of her being a typical straight girl though? Fangirl over a guy or get nervous around/about him? Talk about her interest in men or mention them ever? Say something hetero or het normative? Do something typical het girl-esque? Use a man as an example of someone she finds attractive? I am so curious what she did.

Unsurprised about Yooh. Not the first time she has been ignored and it won't be the last.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 10 May 2024, 07:32

From k-ent
Guest wrote:
10 May 2024, 01:00
Guest wrote:
09 May 2024, 22:51

It's funnier when you take into account their og debut with Minx where their concept was very much for the male gaze. I find Dami didn't ping for me at all during that period. To me she only started pinging around the end of their debut year as DC.
DA both her and Siyeon never pinged to me until dc and Siyeon still doesn't while Dami for sure does now. If I had to bet money on one member of that group being wlw it would for sure be on Dami. Are there any more real receipts on Siyeon because to me she just looks like a typical straight girl who dresses comfortably but I'm also not too deep in the fandom. All I got from the dc thread is her looking at other members which I always consider very weak evidence since they've all been friends for so long.
My het girl mew mew doing simple het girl things.
Not to mention the eternal Yoohyeon erasure is real.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 09 May 2024, 07:53

Does anyone here have any good fanfic recs? I'm open to any pairing as long as the plot itself is nice

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 09 May 2024, 03:35

Idek if this counts as crumbs from my ship but im taking it

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 08 May 2024, 02:25

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 08 May 2024, 00:32

Guest wrote:
07 May 2024, 22:41
Does anyone else remember losing their shit when Fletcher followed DC on Twitter immediately after she saw a Siyeon edit to her song?
The edit:
Lol it was my roman empire cause iirc she liked all the girlsx3 edits including a Dongie one the very next day but rt'd only two including this one and a bp one. All I could think of was dcc going 👍 in response like they did with Disney.

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 07 May 2024, 22:41

Does anyone else remember losing their shit when Fletcher followed DC on Twitter immediately after she saw a Siyeon edit to her song?
The edit:

Re: Dreamcatcher

by guest » 06 May 2024, 19:30

Guest wrote:
04 May 2024, 05:27
Guest wrote:
04 May 2024, 00:57
There is the theory going around on Twitter that those portraits were taken of the members who want to pursue acting which would include Gahyeon. Just seems a bit odd to me that she would skip out on posting them with the other girls if she indeed got them taken, but maybe she hasn't and I'm also looking too deep into this like the other anon! :lol:
I'm pretty sure they're acting pics, like the ones they use for auditions. Little to no make up, no colored or at least natural colored hair and eyes, tidy hairstyle, no flashy clothes or background, individual photos of more than one angle and close-ups, maybe a full body pic that they didn't share
I wonder why sing2yoo didn't do it tho, even if they aren't interested in acting it might come handy in the future for other works
Guest wrote:
04 May 2024, 03:12
Do you guys know anything about Siyeon's friend circle?
Personally, not much. I think she keeps contact with her 95 line idols group chat, she has at least 1-2 non friends idols that she doesn't share anything about them other than being hometown friends (maybe she's even the same friend). And then there's idols here and there that we see interacting nicely with once every leap-year, but I'm not sure if those are friends friends that she hangs out off-camera or if they're only nice acquaintances that she gets happy to see during multifandom events
I feel like siyeon doesn't have a lot of friends, she acts like she doesn't really care about that and is okay with her members being her best buds and a few close friends but of course she is not going to say to the internet that she is sad that she doesn't have a lot of friends. But siyeon is quite shy and her personality is quite interesting i mean her personality isn't the type who makes friends every place she goes like sua for example. Siyeon also confessed once on fr0mm that she didnt got close to w3ndy form rv because she said: ''she is not good at getting close''. I think she is doing fine but i wish she would be more able to get faster closer to people (i just want happy things to happen to her).

Therefore im also so suprised that she had been school counciler for years, even on a video gahyeon said that siyeon was an ''outsider'' (black white era, They wore purple outfits)

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 06 May 2024, 12:49

Guest wrote:
06 May 2024, 11:08
Guest wrote:
05 May 2024, 23:33
Sometimes Dami just says the most unhinged shit and I am left staring at my phone in lesbian agony. Girl WHAT DO YOU MEAN???
Let's be honest. The whole group says unhinged stuff that can't be explained in a non-lesbian agony way
Sa no cause what did she mean with the finger excercise? Why did she make that service top-pillow princess joke? Why? What about MY mental health?

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 06 May 2024, 11:08

Guest wrote:
05 May 2024, 23:33
Sometimes Dami just says the most unhinged shit and I am left staring at my phone in lesbian agony. Girl WHAT DO YOU MEAN???
Let's be honest. The whole group says unhinged stuff that can't be explained in a non-lesbian agony way

Re: Dreamcatcher

by Guest » 05 May 2024, 23:33

Sometimes Dami just says the most unhinged shit and I am left staring at my phone in lesbian agony. Girl WHAT DO YOU MEAN???
